Uploads from USAID Pakistan, with geodata

USAID Bureau of Global Health: Employment Opportunities

The USAID Center for Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Newsletter

Saturday 12 May 2012

Cash Support Program for IDP Families

Cash Support Program for IDP Families


Period July 2009 - June 2010
Funding * $44,000,000
Location(s) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA

Project Description

The U.S. Government's civilian counter-insurgency program's highest priority is to demonstrate the Government of Pakistan's (GOP) support to internally displaced persons (IDPs). IDPs represent the part of Pakistan's population that has been most vulnerable to insurgent domination, that has suffered most from counter-insurgency military operations, and that is most strategically located in areas neighboring eastern Afghanistan where U.S. troops are currently in action. If this segment of the population were to perceive the GOP as failing to respond adequately to its needs and as continuing to be incapable of providing basic governmental services, the future vulnerability to insurgent inroads would be a major setback for the overall Afghanistan-Pakistan counter-insurgency effort. To provide relief to the population directly affected by the insurgency, the GOP established a special program of cash support to IDP families as part of an overall IDP program. Given the reduction in GOP tax revenues resulting from the recent economic crisis, the GOP needed external funding to complete the cash support.

Results To Date

USAID was able to verify through an assessment of this program that 98% of IDPs received the ATM/Debit card and, likewise, 99% of them received cash through this card to help support their basic needs like food and domestic assets.

* Funding reflects Congressionally-appropriated funds provided for the project to date.

Last updated January 18, 2012

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